Multiply your shoppers.
Boost your basket size!
Capture the benefits of group purchases today.
Collect payment for multiple customers in a single transaction, without changes to your eCommerce infrastructure
Meet customer needs
Togetheray caters directly to group purchases through a seamless checkout experienceDrive traffic
Benefit from TogetherPay’s marketing platforms and affiliate store driving traffic to your site.Boost basket sizes
Enjoy higher average basket sizes with multiple participants contributing to group purchasesTarget better
Leverage ToghetherPay’s merchant platform to understand your shoppers’ behaviour and target more effectivelyA new checkout solution catering for group purchases
Forget Buy Now Pay Later. TogetherPay allows you to capture group payments within your existing eCommerce platform.
Easy integration, one transaction, simple returns - no hassle!
How it Works for customers
Select TogetherPay at the checkout
Choose TogetherPay to split payments with friendsShare the link
Invite friends to pay their shareConfirm your share
Once everyone confirms payment, your order is placed![Image](
How to connect
Step 1: Submit merchant agreement
Step 2: Install TogetherPay eCommerce plug-in
Step 3: Activate and enjoy the benefits of capturing groups payments!
Ready to try TogetherPay?
With low transaction fees, no monthly commitments and easy on/off activation, TogetherPay offers differentiation from existing checkout solutions and flexibility to activate when you need - perfect for key trading periods or apply all year round!
We’re offering early partners a free welcome period, low introductory fees, a rewarding referral program and up to 25% off for your customers who use TogetherPay!
We’ve removed the risk so you can try TogetherPay hassle free!
Easy integration
TogetherPay currently supports a variety of integration options.![Image](
Custom API
+ more to come
TogetherPay provides:
- One-click integration with major e-commerce platforms- SDK for your iOS or Android application
- API for custom-built web-stores
- Industry-leading data security systems